
Our BRAND NEW updates page will give updates of what is happening at The Next Chapter.

2024 - so far

2024 has been a bumper year for The Next Chapter. We have rescued more ponies than ever, with even more moving on to live their next chapter in loving and knowledgeable loan homes.

We must of course remember the special ponies who sadly didn't make it through 2024 with us. They are Arlan, Carly and Delilah. All fought a tough battle but we take comfort knowing that they knew what it felt like to be loved.

2024 started with the arrival of Noah rescued from the floods in February. Having had a wet and cold start to his life, Noah has received the care and attention needed to ensure he grows into a happy and healthy colt. Then came Duncan with a devastating leg injury and Spud with a birth deformity who after very successful care/surgery are living a happy and healthy life in our herd.

Thanks to all of our supporters, we were able to raise enough money to give life back to these special ponies and much needed veterinary treatment for all our rescues.

The Next Chapter team have undertaken numerous fundraisers this year to raise the vital money to pay all these vet fees including attending the Blaston Show for the first time, hosting local events, car boot sales, raffles, fundraising appeals and many more. If you would like to help with fundraising, please visit the 'Fundraising' page. Or you can donate via the 'Donate' page.

And so, we hope that 2024 continues with more success stories. Thank you so much again to all of our supporters. We really couldn't do the work we do without you so from the bottom of all our hearts, thank you!

Running a horse rescue charitable trust is hard work and takes not only a lot of money but a lot of time too. For more regular updates and an insight into the day to day running of The Next Chapter, please be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram.