
We have a lot of poorly horses and ponies on site that we are raising money for in terms of their medical treatment. We also have other fundraisers on the go too. All of our current fundraisers can be found on this page.


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    We've Lost Our Winter Grazing

    We can’t even express the heartbreak to find that the field that we saved for winter grazing has ergot 💔

    For those of you who don’t know, ergot is a fungus that grows on rye and other grasses and cereals. Ergot toxicity is known to cause several problems in horses including liver damage, psychosis, peripheral nerve damage, vasoconstriction and gangrene. In large consumption, ergot toxicity can result in death.

    Our plan was to put the majority of our rescue horses on our top field, which we left as standing hay, to cut our costs on haying our ever growing herd.

    Unfortunately, we now have no choice but to cut, bale and burn everything on the field. It’s going to cost us a fortune 😭

    Not only that, we now also have to buy in much more hay which is another unexpected expense.

    We are putting a plea out to fellow horsey people and animal lovers for help in covering the cost of the cutting, baling and burning of everything off that field in the hopes that we can then afford to buy all the hay we need to feed everyone.

    Please consider helping your local horse rescue charity and help us keep our horses healthy and fed this winter.

    Whilst this is devastating news for The Next Chapter, we are determined to continue to give our rescues the best care and treatment possible and not let this unfortunate situation stop us 💪🏼

    Any donation is extremely appreciated. The link to donate is below. Please put the reference "HAY" so that we know what your donation is for.

    Thank you from all of the team at The Next Chapter 🙏🏼